Learning together

"Every child is different and everyone is special!" - This is the guiding principle of our school!

Therefore, our goal is to provide learning opportunities for each child that take into account their individual needs and possibilities. Our school therefore works with several methods to achieve the individual support of each child:

  • open teaching methods
  • cooperative working methods
  • differentiated working materials
  • Individual support and demand offers

This allows students to learn at their own pace and according to their talents.

By setting up differentiation rooms and self-study stations, individual students can leave the classroom at times and work on tasks independently. In the learning office hours, the students work independently with material at different levels of difficulty. They are accompanied by the learning guide. Here they document their learning process and work towards planning their learning independently.

All children learn together longer ... 

...regardless of whether your child has a Hauptschule recommendation or could attend a Realschule or Gymnasium based on grades, ...in 5th grade everyone starts together in a class group.

Starting in grade 7, students can choose additional subjects according to their interests and talents. Even then, mathematics and English are taught at different levels (basic and advanced). German is differentiated in the comprehensive school from grade 8 at the earliest. At the same time, from grade 8 onwards, further offers are added and in grade 9 there is additional subject performance differentiation in the natural sciences.
Learning together does not mean that everyone learns the same thing! The learning content is adapted to the individual abilities of the students.
At the end of grade 10, the students have achieved their first school-leaving certificate. They can then move on to the world of work or continue attending school in order to strive for the Abitur during the three-year upper school.

The longer learning together creates the prerequisite that children have "longer" time to develop and consolidate their abilities and talents.