The middle school comprises grades 7 to 10. After the students have settled in at school, the decision about the school-leaving qualification they are aiming for is made in the middle school, and many students will leave school after the middle school with a school-leaving qualification. Only those who aspire to the Abitur or Fachabitur will move on to the Oberstufe after the Mittelstufe.
In the middle school, English and mathematics are taught differentiated according to performance. This can take place in different courses, or together. Another major subject becomes elective. Beginning in the 8th grade, another elective takes place: The supplementary lessons. Here, another foreign language can be chosen or other offerings, such as vocational preparation.
For more information on elective courses and supplementarycourses, please see our brochure:
Info brochure electivecourses
Info brochure supplementary courses
You can find an overview of the elective model at Gronau Comprehensive School here: