
Staff of the comprehensive school Gronau

in the school year 2023/2024

Annika Ahlers

Ahlers, Annika (AHL)
Subjects: Spanish, Geography
Class team of 10d
Textbook order

Althoff, Lukas (ALT)

Subjects: Music

pedagog. Employees

Banks-Rijckenberg, Patrick (BAN)
ped. Staff

Basibüyük, Emrah (BAS)
Subjects: Practical philosophy, work studies (HW)
Study and career guidance
10c class team

Benker, Katharina (BEN)
Subjects: Social studies, math, Catholic religious education
Class team of 6d

Brinkert, Hans-Martin (BRI)
Subjects: German, Sports
Subject Teacher with Special Education Focus

Brinkmann, Viktoria (BRV)
Subjects: German, Geography, Presentation & Design
10a class team
Lena Brömmelkamp

Brömmelkamp, Lena (BRO)
Subjects: Dutch, History, Social Sciences
9b class team

Carella, Sarah (CAR)
Subjects: math, social studies
7b class team

Conrads, Lucas (CON)
Subjects: social sciences, economics-politics, work studies (W), history
Secondary level II study and career guidance, 1st level support, digitalization officer, "School without racism" contact
8f class team

Essing, Meike (ESS)
School Social Work, Multiprofessional Team Integration
Pascal Engel

Engel, Pascal (ENG)
Subjects: Latin, History, Swimming

Fiedler, Anne (FIA)
Subjects: English, Biology
9e class team
Uta Fischer

Fischer, Uta (FIS)
Subjects: Latin, History
6th grade team

Gabius, Anke (GAB)
Subjects: German, social studies
Class team of 6a
Contact person LRS

Gerbes, Julia (GEJ)
Subjects: English, P, W
Class team of 7c

Gerlach, Kirsten (GER)
Subjects: English, Home Economics
Coordinator for All Day
Department Head I (Grades 5 - 6)
Benjamin Gloddek

Gloddek, Benjamin (GLO)
Subjects: Protestant Religious Education, Social Studies, Performing Arts & Design
Class team of 9a
Sara Gözütok

Gözütok, Sara (GOE)
School social work

Grotendorst, Leonie (GRO)
Subjects: Biology, Latin
10e class team

Hellenkamp, Luisa (HEL)
Subjects: German, Social Sciences
9d class team
Julia Helling

Helling, Julia (HEJ)
School Social Work Coordination

Hemker, Tuba (HEM)
Subjects: math, computer science, physics
Safety officer

Hengemühle-Schütte, Birgitta (HEN)
School social work, MPT Inclusion

Hermann, Inna (HER)
Subjects: math, social studies, work studies (HW)
8d class team

Heyduck, Martina (HEY)
Subjects: Math, Physical Education, Physics, Industrial Education

Hibbe, Pia (HIB)

Subjects: English, Industrial Education (W)

Class team of 10c

Coordinator QZ of Special Education Sek I

Denise Hilgenberg,

Hilgenberg, Denise (HIL)
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Science
NW / STEM Coordinator.

Hinkelmann, Eva (HIN)
Special needs teacher (focus: intellectual development)
LZP class team

Holtkamp, Gisela(HKG)

Subjects: German, English

Class team of the LZP

Holtkemper-Dastig, Frederike (HOL)
Subjects: German, English
Tanja Hommen

Hommen, Tanja (HOM )
Subjects: math, geography, computer science

Hoppe, Sebastian (HOP)
Subjects: English, History
10d class team
Homepage, study and career guidance

Hübers, Vanessa (HUE)
Subjects: English, French
5th grade team

Jahn, Moritz (JAH)
Subjects: Math, Science
7c class team
First level support

Jerwers, Marta (JER)
Subjects: Science, Education
9c class team

Kampmann, Daniel (KAD)
Subjects: German, Catholic Religious Education
8d class team
Homepage, SV teacher

Karch, Damian (KAR)
Subjects: Catholic religious education, sport, swimming
5th grade team
Stefan Kipker

Kipker, Stefan (KIP)
Subjects: English, History
Class team

Knowles, Petra (KNO)
Subjects: English, History
Assistant Head of School, Head of Department IV (gymn. Oberstufe)
Bastian Neugebauer

Kolk, Bastian (KOL)
Subjects: sport, biology, science, chemistry, swimming
8b class team

König, Christian (KOC)
Subjects: Math, Catholic Religious Education
Class team of 6a

Kosbab, Julia (KOS)
Subjects: Dutch, math
8e class team

Kösters, Nina (KON)
Subjects: English, Home Economics
8a class team

Lohoff, Angela (LOH)
Subjects: French, Spanish, Art
Level leader EF

Nicolas Lorek

Lorek, Nicolas (LOR)
Subjects : Chemistry
9D class team

Jean Mager

Mager, Jean (MAG)
Subjects: Social Studies, Catholic Religious Education
Class team of 10b

Muro, Isaac (MUR)
Subjects: Syriac Orthodox Religious Education.
Doa Nergiz

Nergiz, Doa (NER)
Subjects: German, WiPo, DaZ
8c class team

Nethe, Salma (NET)
Subjects: DaZ
ped. Staff
Christopher Nöthe

Nöthe, Christopher (NOE)
Subjects: German, SoWi
9c class team
Fjolla Parallangaj

Parallangaj, Fjolla (PAR)
Subjects: German, English
5th grade team
Fabian Paul

Paul, Fabian (PAU)
Subjects: math, social studies
Level leader EF, contact person "School without racism"
Henning Peter

Peter, Henning (PEH)
Subjects: Sport, English

Dennis Peterberns

Peterberns, Dennis (PET)
Subjects: sport, social studies, history
Head of level Q1, concept for the upper school
Michael Rastbichler

Rastbichler, Michael (RAS)
Subjects: Latin, social studies, swimming
Organization of supplementary lessons, ordering textbooks
Head of Department IV (Upper School)
Johannes Recker

Recker, Johannes (REC)
Subjects: math, science, work studies (T), physics
LZP class team

Reckers, Johanna (REJ)
Subjects: Art, German
Stephan Rehers

Rehers, Stephan (REH)
Subjects: Math, Science, Physics
Susanne Rottmann

Rottmann, Susanne (ROT)
Subjects: Math, Catholic Religious Education, Performing & Designing
Head of EF, Career Counseling, Contact Person for Equality (AfG), Concept for Upper School

Julian Sammerl

Sammerl, Julian (SAM)

Schmidt, Philip (SCP)
Subjects: Pedagogy, AW, SP, swimming
8e class team

Schmitz, Jana (WIE)
Subjects: German, Catholic Religious Education

Schneider, Britta (SCB)
Subjects: German, Catholic Religious Education

Schnigge, Christian (SCC)

Subjects: Physical education, Protestant religious education, social studies

Class team of the 10b

Judith Schulz

Schulz, Judith (SCJ)
Subjects: German, special education
Special education teacher, special focus 'vision'.
Lena Sibbing

Sibbing, Lena (SIB)
Subjects: Math, Dutch
7a class team

Sikma, Lisa (SIL)
Subjects: Dutch, German
8b class team

Skunca, James (SKU)
Subjects: work study
Educational Associate

Sodemann, Meike (SOD)
Subjects: German, Art
6c class team

Soeten, Nadine (SOE)
Subjects: German, Practical Philosophy, Performing Arts & Design
Didactic Director

Stark, Sylvia (STA)
Subjects: sport, swimming
Currently on parental leave
Ursula tax

Steuer, Ursula (STE)
Subjects: Art, English
Head of School, Special Education Teacher

Tillmann, Stefan (TIL)
Subjects: German, Philosophy
5th grade class team
Ingo Sträter

Sträter, Ingo (STR)
Subjects: German, Practical Philosophy
Special needs teacher

Tamayar, Umut (TAM)
Subjects: English, History, Computer Science
10e class team
First-level support
Sebastian Terbeck

Terbeck, Sebastian (TES)
Subjects: Physics Math
Educational assistant

Terfort, Miriam (TER)
Subjects: Math, Biology
9a class team

Uhlenbrock, Ralf (UHL)
Subjects: Catholic Religious Education, Social Studies, Industrial Education
Head of Department III (Grades 9 - 10)
Daniel Urban

Urban, Daniel (URB)
Subjects: work studies, sport
Class team of 5
Safety officer, career guidance

van de Ven, Ines (VAN)

Subjects: sport, social studies, swimming
10a class team

Career Coordinator

Vöcker, Sophia (VOC)
Subjects: Catholic religious education, math
Training officer

Vogt, Sebastian (VOG)
Subjects: music, history, social studies
8c class team

Wattieau, Ivo (WAT)
Subjects: English, Dutch
Class team 7b
European School Representative

Wegmann, Thomas (WEG)
Subjects: Art

Wessels, Lisa (WES)
Subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Science
Henning Winter

Winter, Henning (WIN)
Subjects: Music, History, Social Studies
9b class team

Zante, Kirsten (ZAN)

Subjects: Math, Science

Department Head II (Years 7 - 8)

Organizing team, coordinator QZ of special education Sek I