The support association introduces itself

We thought so too and founded the Gronau Comprehensive School Support Association on 28.01.2015. We would like to briefly introduce ourselves.

Why have we founded a sponsoring association?
The comprehensive school is only as good as we make it: Teachers - Pupils - Parents
Our children spend a lot of time at school. We must see the comprehensive school as an important living space for our children. It is therefore worth actively helping to shape this environment.
The aim and task of the Friends' Association is to continuously improve the "school environment". For Gronau Comprehensive School, the Friends' Association is an additional organizational and financial instrument that expediently expands and supplements school measures.
Within the scope of its financial possibilities, the association will get involved where purchases, projects, etc. cannot or cannot fully be financed from the teaching materials budget.
Donations for the school, not possible?
No problem with our Förderverein Gesamtschule Gronau!
Schools in Germany are not authorized to accept donated money or donations in kind.
directly! Only a recognized non-profit association is entitled to do so. We will submit the application for charitable status to the relevant tax office immediately. To ensure that everything goes according to plan in the work of the Friends' Association, there are statutes and contribution regulations that can be viewed at any time.
Everyone is welcome to become a member!
Parents, teachers, grandparents, companies, simply anyone who cares about the well-being of the children at our school.
With each other - for each other - achieving more!
Each of you can have a say and participate.
Working together in the association makes sense and is also fun!
You are welcome to send suggestions and proposals to the Board of Directors at any time

The more members support our Gronau Comprehensive School Support Association, the better the association can present itself to potential donors.
With a membership fee of 4 cents per day (at least EUR 12 per year) you make a valuable contribution.

Anyone who donates can claim this amount on their tax return
(as soon as the association has been recognized as a non-profit organization).
Next time you would like to donate something, please think of the Gronau Comprehensive School Support Association!
There are at least two reasons for this:
- What you donate goes directly to your own child/children.
- We don't have any money-eating bureaucracy!
Förderverein Gesamtschule Gronau
Volksbank Gronau-Ahaus eG
IBAN: DE 36|4016|4024|0404|0501|00
Every helping hand and every euro donatedimproves the opportunities for pupils at Gronau Comprehensive School.
Here you will find the statutes and the contribution regulations of the Förderverein.
If you would like to join the association, you can find the registration flyer here.