Stadtwerke Gronau supports two schools - IHK project "School-Business Partnership"

The aim of the initiative is to support companies in securing skilled workers and young people in their career choices. "As an interface between schools and business, the IHK is committed to establishing long-term cooperation," explains Melanie Vennemann from the IHK's skilled labor team. "The IHK agreement creates a clear basis for binding and structured collaboration between the cooperation partners in career guidance," she adds.

Stadtwerke Gronau GmbH has been supplying people in the region with electricity, water and gas for over 125 years. With around 130 employees and ten trainees, the company develops solutions for a secure and efficient energy supply. Apprentices are trained in a total of eight different professions, including "specialist for swimming pool operations" and "plant mechanic for pipe system technology".

As part of the "School-company partnership" project, Stadtwerke offers pupils from both schools work placements to give them an insight into how the company works and to provide them with basic practical knowledge. In addition, specialists and trainees visit the school classes, present training occupations and give tips on preparing application documents. They also impart practical specialist knowledge in science lessons.

"For us, cooperation with schools is an important building block in securing skilled workers," emphasizes Herbert Daldrup, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Gronau. "In this way, we can get to know pupils outside of the traditional application process and also introduce ourselves to them as a potential employer. The aim of these collaborations is not only to get young people excited about starting a career straight after school, but also about the company," says Daldrup.

Ursula Steuer, Headmistress of Gronau Comprehensive School, emphasizes: "Thanks to the IHK initiative, we can carry out our career guidance activities in close cooperation with the companies. This makes it easier for our pupils to find their way into working life."

Andrea Preuß, principal of Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule, is also convinced by the cooperation: "The personal contact with employees and trainees gives our pupils an insight into various professions and the world of work. This is a valuable help and a great addition to our student-oriented lessons."

The IHK Nord Westfalen offers schools and companies in its district support in initiating collaborations. The contact person for the "School-Business Partnership" project in Münsterland is Melanie Vennemann, phone 0251 707 304.

Stadtwerke Gronau cooperates with Fridtjof-Nansen Realschule and Gesamtschule Gronau in the IHK project "Partnership School-Business" (from left to right).): Verena Grave and Andrea Preuß from Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule, Ramona Glöseköt ter and Herbert Daldrup from Stadtwerke Gronau, Sebas tian Hoppe, Ursula Steuer and Ines van de Ven from Gesamtschule Gronau and Melanie Vennemann and Serpil Hamarat from the IHK.