Career orientation training for the seventh grade at Gronau comprehensive school

At 12-16 stations, the pupils had 20 minutes each to find out which professional areas their interests and talents lie in. In small groups, they completed a task from a specific occupational field at each station. For example, they had to connect cables, throw roof tiles, measure distances, build model houses, carry plates, swaddle babies and name food. The work samples, tools and materials were designed to be gender-sensitive and suitable for migrants.

All results from the completed work samples were entered into a score sheet using a points system. This created a competitive atmosphere and a high level of motivation among the students.

At each station there was a specialist from Technikzentrum Minden-Lübbecke e.V. who paid attention to whether a young person was particularly talented in one area. These results were recorded on an observation sheet and discussed in the final meeting. The routing slips and evaluation sheets are also used for further preparation for career choices.

From 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m., the young people had time to complete all the tasks, try out the occupational fields and discuss them. This gave them a comprehensive insight into various practical tasks.

The students were enthusiastic about the training. Many particularly liked the fact that they were able to get out of the theoretical school routine and work practically. They discovered which areas their strengths and interests lie in or were able to deepen these. Some young people were very interested in the skilled trades, others were more interested in gastronomy. "I thought it was cool to see where you're good at. I realized that I'm not interested in education, but rather the trades" "I thought it was good that we got to know different professions so early on. You can then determine the direction of the internship." "You could try out lots of things and compare different professions." Whatever their inclinations were, everyone had tried out a lot that morning and also got to know new professions. The young people liked the fact that they were able to gain insights into many activities and that they had enough time for the tasks, but at the same time did not have to spend too long on one activity.

The teachers also found the day worthwhile: "It's great that we were able to hold the careers course at our school again," said careers coordinator Ms. van de Ven. "We didn't even know what talents for the different professions our children have."

The pupils from the international classes also noticed positively that their German language skills, which were still rather limited in some cases, were not an obstacle. Both the other participants and the friendly support staff from Technikzentrum Minden-Lübbecke e.V. explained everything to them in detail and took the time to provide sufficient assistance.

At the end of the training, the young people realized that no one person can do everything, but everyone can do something particularly well. They are keen to dedicate themselves to such tasks more often.

The career orientation training is sponsored by the Talent-Metropole Ruhr Foundation and the NRW Regional Directorate of the Federal Employment Agency in cooperation with the SCHULEWIRTSCHAFT NRW office at the Bildungswerk der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Wirtschaft. The team from Technikzentrum Minden-Lübbecke e. V. is running the event on site.