School Social Work
Ms. Kuipers and Ms. Krönke are responsible for school social work at Werner-von-Siemens-Gymnasium. Their services include general counseling, mediator training, prevention work, individual support, work with parents and social learning.
Our school social workers are bound by confidentiality and provide advice on a voluntary basis. So that they can take enough time for your concerns, they ask you to make an appointment in advance. This can be done in person, via the respective class teacher or by telephone or email.
The school social work office is located next to the upper school counseling room and the StuBo in E11.
Contact and office hours of the school social workers at our school:
Mrs. Kuipers: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 am - 3 pm, Fri. 7:30 am - 1:30 pm
Mrs. Krönke: Mon., Wed. 7:30-14:00, Fri. 7:30-13:30