Kangaroo math competition

Kangaroo of Mathematics at the WvSG

All participants received a certificate and a small game as recognition.
In addition, all the best students in their year were also honored:
Level 5: Emily Ogur 5c
Level 6: Karl Knackstedt 6a
Level 7: Julian Rauer 7c
Level 8: Stella Klein Menting 8d
Level 9: Lili van der Wals
Level Q1: Miká Schwerma
Emily and Miká also achieved a 3rd place in their year in the nationwide evaluation and therefore received a game and a book respectively.
Marie Sophie Schiller (Grade 6a) received a T-shirt as a special prize for the longest kangaroo jump in our school (i.e. for the largest number of consecutive correct answers).
Congratulations to everyone!
C. Lalana and H. Temme Lalana and H. Temme for the mathematics student council
