
Meike ten Bosch and Anne Leppen, OGS management team OGS duty cell phone: 0157-36985918 Mail: ogs-overberg@web.de

Maria Schmeing, Headmistress: 02656-97283

Goals of the OGS

The educational concept of the OGS is based on the educational principles of the school. On the basis of these common educational goals, the children in the OGS have the opportunity to participate in an extended form of support and care beyond the regular teaching framework with the following focal points:

  • Experience personal development through help with independence and personal responsibility,
  • experience and practice consideration, helpfulness and tolerance in group life,
  • learn appropriate behavior in conflict situations through targeted social support,
  • Learn table and meal manners,
  • learn to do their homework as independently as possible,
  • Get to know and use suggestions for meaningful play and leisure activities.

In order to meet this objective, in addition to care in the all-day group, the free play and relaxation phase is taken into account, instructions are given for playing together - especially outside - and (support) offers are organized in the areas of art, music and sport, among others.


According to the decree of the Ministry of Education of 26.01.2006 and the subsidies of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, regular participation in the OGS program until at least 3.00 p.m. is mandatory.

Participation in one of our AGs requires attendance at the OGS until 16:00 (second pick-up time).

The childcare hours are Mondays to Thursdays from 11.45 am to 4.00 pm, Fridays from 11.45 am to 3.00 pm. The OGS is closed on floating vacations and during vacations.

If your child cannot or should not go to OGS every afternoon, an application for exemption from participation in the educational afternoon program can be submitted in writing to the OGS management. The child will then go home directly after school. This does not change the monthly parental contribution.



The cost contribution for the OGS depends on income and is debited monthly by the city of Gronau (family office).

In addition to this fee, there is currently a monthly charge of €60 per child for meals. (As this is an average amount calculated over 12 months (1.08. - 31.07.), it is also debited during the vacations).

The meal fee is collected by direct debit from the OGS provider, the school's support association. For holders of the Münsterland Card, the meal fee is settled directly with the Borken district.



Daily structure in all-day care

The OGS combines lessons in the morning with creative leisure activities in the afternoon. Close cooperation between all those involved in school life is an important part of our work.

At the end of the lessons, the children go to the OGS.

Lunch is eaten in three groups from 12.00 noon to 1.30 pm.

After lunch, homework is done in small groups.

Afterwards, there are working groups (AG) in various areas. Those who do not take part will find plenty of opportunities to occupy themselves indoors or outdoors.

Free play outside and in the OGS rooms is an important part of our concept.

The week ends on Fridays with the OGS Council, a democratic children's parliament in which sometimes all the children, sometimes individual year groups and educational staff take part.


Daily schedule

11:45 a.m.

Start of OGS, registration

free play, romping room

12:00 p.m.

1st meal group

free play, PC, romp room

12:30 p.m.



1:00 p.m.

2nd meal group

free play, PC, romp room


Homework time for first graders

1:15 pm

3rd meal group

free play, PC, romp room

1:45 pm

Homework time for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th school year

2:45 pm

AG time, and

Soccer pitch in dry weather, free play indoors and outdoors

3:00 p.m.




1. pick-up time


2. pick-up time

On Fridays, all children must be picked up at 3 pm.



Our premises

Our premises are equipped in a variety of ways.

There is a movement room ("romping room"), which the children enjoy using a lot every day in small groups of no more than five children.

Painting and handicrafts are mainly done in the creative room as part of free play. Our creative and sewing workshops take place here. The children also do things here such as weaving frames, kneading or ironing beads.

The third room focuses on "play". Here the children have numerous opportunities to play role-playing games, board games or Playmobil. Our three PCs are also located here, where the children can play games downloaded by staff for 15 minutes a day - there is no internet access.

Lunch is eaten in the dining room with the kitchen right next door. The OGS team also meets here for discussions and training.

The children do their homework in their respective classrooms.

The lunch

The individual components of the meal are purchased frozen and pre-cooked from the company Apetito.

At the three different times, the meals are freshly prepared each time by the OGS kitchen staff.

The ready-made products are complemented by home-made dishes, salads and desserts.

The selection and composition of the meals take into account the nutritional rules specially formulated for children by the German Nutrition Society.

The menu is rewritten weekly and posted for our children every Friday for the following week.

In the afternoon, a fruit and raw food platter with seasonal products is offered daily.

The children have unlimited access to mineral water.

Homework area

Individual classrooms are available for the children to do their homework. Each homework group is no larger than ten to fifteen children.

Each homework group has at least one supervisor or teacher who provides assistance when needed and ensures an appropriate working atmosphere.

Additional learning time at home cannot be avoided - especially with regard to class tests, practicing the 1 x 1 and more intensive reading exercises.

In order to participate in your child's school life, you should check your child's homework every day.

There is close cooperation between OGS staff, teachers and school management. Information is exchanged in the interests of the child.

Our offers/AG's

In consultation with their parents, the children choose from various afternoon activities for a school semester. For this area, the children are offered an interesting program mainly by OGS employees, which is supplemented by course instructors from outside.

The offers are designed to appeal to all children and vary in the areas of sport, research, animal-assisted therapy, handicrafts and creativity, among others.

One of the aims of the working groups is to give the children access to various types of sport as well as scientific and artistic activities. Children who do not take part in a club have this time at their disposal and can do handicrafts, play, read or similar activities independently or under supervision.



Sport with Jana - all first graders


House of Little Scientists with Tobias Bürger

By arrangement OGS helper meeting with Meike



Creative work group with Anne G.

15:00 to 16:00 Dog club with Sonja (every 14 days!)




Exercise in the gym with Susanne

First aid club with Britta




Sewing club with Lina


Dance club with Jana




OGS Council

Status 08_2024


Here you will find the current AG offer and further information:

AG offer 8_2024.word

AG offer 8_2024. pdf

Pick-up time

The children can be picked up either at 15:00 or 16:00, on Fridays always at 15:00. If the child is registered for an AG, the child remains in the OGS until 16:00 on this day/these days.

The pick-up times are bindingly communicated to the OGS by the parents/guardians for a certain period of time.

Some more important information

  • A birthday is an important event in the year for every child. The children can of course celebrate at home on this day. In this case, we need to be informed in advance. At OGS, we serenade the birthday child at lunch and celebrate in a festively decorated place.
  • Please inform us if you have any allergies or are taking medication.
  • For emergencies, we need a current telephone number and a replacement number that you provided when you registered. Please inform us immediately of any changes.
  • If your child is to be picked up by persons other than those specified by us, we must be informed in advance.
  • If a child is at school in the morning but cannot come to OGS, please inform us by telephone or via Schoolfox. (If a child is ill, we will receive this information from the class teachers).
  • If a child is allowed to go alone, we require a written declaration of consent.

We are looking forward to a great time

with the children entrusted to us.



The OGS team