
Maria Schmeing, Headmistress: 02565-97283
Ümi cell phone: 0163 9067024
Telephone availability: 11:30 - 14.00 hrs
Kornelia Schick-Lülf (1st Chairwoman)
Beatrice Daal (2nd Chairwoman)

Jennifer van Almsick (Treasurer), Kornelia Schick-Lülf (1st Chairwoman), Beatrice Daal (2nd Chairwoman)
Aims of the ÜMI
The parents' association "Schülerbetreuung an der Overbergschule Epe e. V." was founded for working parents who need childcare for their children.
This association offers childcare for your child at the Bernhard-Overberg-School on school days from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during parts of the vacations.
During this time, the children have the opportunity to do their homework, do handicrafts, paint or play in quiet rooms under the supervision of our competent supervisors.
Participation in the ÜMI program is individual. As parents, you decide on which days your child attends the ÜMI and when they should go home. The monthly parental contribution always remains the same.
ÜMI offers vacation care during some weeks of the vacations (1st week of the Easter and fall vacations, 1st and 2nd week of the summer vacations) from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.
The contribution for the ÜMI is €28 for the first child and €14 for each additional child. With an annual income of up to €20,000, childcare is free of charge.
(Information: However, there are currently discussions about a necessary increase in the parental contribution and about the equality of the 1st and 2nd child).
The contribution is debited monthly by the city of Gronau (family office).
Daily structure in the afternoon care
At the end of the lessons, the children go to the ÜMI. There they can play, paint, do arts and crafts or do homework.
There is no lunch at the ÜMI, but fruit, vegetables and water are always available.
The educational staff
As staff members of the ÜMI, we accompany the children during free play and homework.
In this close relationship with the children, we give them a sense of security and reliability.
Pick-up time
The children can be picked up by their parents at any time. The childcare staff must be informed.
If the children go home alone, they are sent home at the time agreed with their parents (12:30, 13:15, 14:00).
Some more important information
- A birthday is an important event in the year for every child. At ÜMI, we serenade them and it is customary for the children to hand out a small sweet (no lollipops because of the risk of injury).
- Please inform us if you have any allergies or are taking medication.
- For emergencies we need a current telephone number and a replacement number (please inform us of any changes).
- If your child is to be picked up by someone other than the person named by us, we must be informed in advance.
We are looking forward to a great time
with the children entrusted to us.
The ÜMI team

Registration procedure
For the care of your child in the ÜMI, a parental contribution is charged by the city of Gronau (Westf.) in accordance with the statutes on participation and the collection of parental contributions as part of the "Übermittagsbetreuung" in the primary sector (elementary school) of the city of Gronau (Westf.).
The fee is to be paid directly to the City of Gronau. In this context, the provider shall provide the City of Gronau with the child's name, address, date of birth and admission and deregistration data as well as the relevant details of the legal guardians.
For you as parents, this means the following:
You register your child for the ÜMI with us at the school and conclude a binding childcare contract with the association "Schülerbetreuung an der Overbergschule Epe e.V." The contract is automatically extended for the following school year if the child is not deregistered in writing by March 15.
Admission to the ÜMI is decided by the board of the association in consultation with the school management. As the parents' association was founded to offer working parents a childcare option, the board reserves the right to request annual proof of employment during the childcare hours if the available places are oversubscribed.
We will send the registration form with the relevant data to the City of Gronau, which will then collect the fee. The fee for childcare is €28 for the first child and €14 for each additional child. If your annual income is up to €20,000, childcare is free of charge.
The association "Schülerbetreuung an der Overbergschule Epe e.V." takes the liberty of charging a copying fee of €10 per child per school year. This money is collected in cash by the staff at the beginning of the school year.
Due to the subsidies from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, participation is mandatory for an entire school year.
The childcare hours are Monday to Friday from 11.45 am to 2.00 pm.
Participation in the ÜMI program is individual. As parents, you decide on which days your child attends the ÜMI and when they should go home. The monthly parental contribution always remains the same.
ÜMI offers childcare during some weeks of the vacations (1st week of the Easter and fall vacations, 1st and 2nd week of the summer vacations) from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. This vacation care is currently charged separately at 10.00 euros per day.